Thursday, 15 December 2016


I think I am right if I speak on behalf of my classmates and say that we have never had such collaborative and cooperative lectures before. True as it is that firstly we were puzzled by the novelty of the methodology, and confused because we had never faced such teaching before, I must admit that after a couple of sessions one gets to like it: the learning atmosphere, the freedom of speech, the companionship, the close teacher-sudent relationship that makes you feel as taken into account, etc. The last one is hugely important since students are not mere empty receivers of information nor working robots, we have anxieties, we have opinions, we have ideas, we have many things to bring into the class context, in fact, we are the class context, we just need a safe environment to open ourselves up to the teaching process and, definitely, a methodology including both the teacher and the students' goals is bound to succeed. So here is the point, if you feel you matter, the content will matter to you, after all, we are persons, and persons need to be relied on in order to outperform. Let me recall something, when we were due to present the ppt we prepared about Bakhtin, we were quite nervious. We have always been expected to perform clockwise, but it was not until you said that we couldn't bring any sheets to the scaffold, that we had to rely on ourselves, and that we could do it perfectly, that we realized that, indeed, we are able of a lot more than we think, we just need to feel confident. So confidence, a close teacher-student bond, a cooperative atmosphere, and being taken into account are some of the deficiencies of our current Educational System that must be tackled the sooner the better. We are forming future workers, but we are persons above all standards.

To see:

"How to espace Education's death valley" by Ken Robinson

To read:

"Out of the box learning" by Cambridge University: how to improve the quality of Education if we stop considering ability as stable and attainable.

 "Teacher: a Friend, a Philosopher and a Gudie" by Debasis Pati: "In their childhood years apart from their mothers, children spend maximum time with their teachers."

Recommended film:

"The Forbidden Education"


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