Saturday, 24 December 2016

Activity 4: European Language Portfolio

What is the ELP?

The ELP is a document in which those who are learning or have learned one or more languages can record and reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences.

Which three components are included in the ELP?

It has three components: a language passport, a language biography, and a dossier.

What are the main aims of the ELP?

• to help learners give shape and coherence to their experience of learning and using languages other than their first language

• to motivate learners by acknowledging their efforts to extend and diversify their language skills at all levels

• to provide a record of the linguistic and cultural skills they have acquired (to be consulted, for example, when they are moving to a higher learning level or seeking employment at home or abroad.

How would you implement a portfolio system in a secondary EFL classroom?

There are countless ways of implementing an EFL classroom by means of a portfolio. We could use specific and hands on projects, work with blogs, integrate creative writing in certain subjects and so on. Having students create the portfolio and reflect on their work will make them aware of the whole process instead of just the final evaluation grade. In our opinion, the best way to do so is to implement it step by step over a long period of academic time, give clear directions and setting the goal on the activity rather the evaluation.

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